Dernières publications

E. Tema, Y. Santos, R. Trindade, G. A Hartmann, T. Hatakeyama et F. Terra-Nova et al. Archaeointensity record of weak field recurrence in Japan: new data from Late Yayoi and Kofun ceramic artefacts, Geophysical Journal International, Vol. 233, pp. 950-963, 12, 2023. [Détails]
F. Terra-Nova, H. Amit, G. Choblet, G. Tobie, M. Bouffard et O. Čadek. The influence of heterogeneous seafloor heat flux on the cooling patterns of Ganymede’s and Titan’s subsurface oceans, Icarus, Vol. 389, pp. 115232. 2023. [Détails]
M. Bonnin, E. Diego Mercerat, É. Beucler, N. Favretto‐Cristini, A. Deschamps et D. Ambrois et al. Short‐Range Recordings of Shallow Underwater Explosions with Short‐Period and Broadband Seismometers in the Bay of Hyères, France, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 11, 2022. [Détails]

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