GeoPlaNet Project / Sustainability


Presentation Axes Consortium Activities Publications Sustainability


The GeoPlaNet project continues throught two Erasmus + projects:

  • An Erasmus Mundus Joint Master in Planetary Geosciences, based on the 3 existing masters degrees in the partner Universities of Nantes (France), Chieti-Pescara (Italy) and Coimbra (Portugal), and with the support of the Universities of Padova (Italy) and Porto (Portugal). The Master aims to welcome students from all over the world for a curriculum of excellence within the three partner universities. Students will carry out their Master's internships in one of the 20 institutes members of the GeoPlaNet consortium.


--> The EMJM in Planetary Geosciences has been selected in July 2022 and the first cohort of students will start in Sept. 2023.


  •  An Erasmus + "Strategic partnership" project with the same partners, as well as the Nantes company VR2Planets, specialised in virtual reality, starting in September 2020 for a period of three years for a budget of € 264,000. The activities consist of training activities (seminars, field schools), intellectual productions and dissemination events.  They are organised in 4 work packages : Employability, Habitability, Innovative training practices (virtual reality), Geological mapping and planetary analogs.


--> Strategic partnership website to follow the project:

Screenshot VirtualFieldWork 14

              Figure 1 « Geology course in virtual reality: the teacher and the students communicate and interact around the 3D model of Meteor Crater (Arizona) to discuss the geological processes at the origin of the observed structures (software developed by Vr2Planets

     Mindmap rognée


Sabrina Carpy:

Olivier Verhoeven: 

Marie-Pierre Jousse :