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  • E. Tema, Y. Santos, R. Trindade, G. A Hartmann, T. Hatakeyama and F. Terra-Nova et al. Archaeointensity record of weak field recurrence in Japan: new data from Late Yayoi and Kofun ceramic artefacts, Geophysical Journal International, Vol. 233, pp. 950-963, 12, 2023. [More]
  • F. Terra-Nova, H. Amit, G. Choblet, G. Tobie, M. Bouffard and O. Čadek. The influence of heterogeneous seafloor heat flux on the cooling patterns of Ganymede’s and Titan’s subsurface oceans, Icarus, Vol. 389, pp. 115232. 2023. [More]


  • A. Thibault de Chanvalon, E. Geslin, M. Mojtahid, I. Métais, V. Méléder and É. Metzger. Multiscale analysis of living benthic foraminiferal heterogeneity: Ecological advances from an intertidal mudflat (Loire estuary, France), Continental Shelf Research, Vol. 232. 2022. [More]
  • M. Bonnin, E. Diego Mercerat, É. Beucler, N. Favretto‐Cristini, A. Deschamps and D. Ambrois et al. Short‐Range Recordings of Shallow Underwater Explosions with Short‐Period and Broadband Seismometers in the Bay of Hyères, France, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 11, 2022. [More]
  • G. Caravaca, N. Mangold, E. Dehouck, J. Schieber, L. Zaugg and A. B. Bryk et al. From Lake to River: Documenting an Environmental Transition Across the Jura/Knockfarril Hill Members Boundary in the Glen Torridon Region of Gale Crater (Mars), JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-PLANETS, Vol. 127, Sep, 2022. [More]
  • S. Ceylan, J. F. Clinton, D. Giardini, S. C. Stähler, A. Horleston and T. Kawamura et al. The marsquake catalogue from InSight, sols 0–1011, Phys. Earth Planet. Inter., pp. 106943. 2022. [More]
  • A. Chatir, J. Berger, N. Ennih, A. Triantafyllou, P. de Parseval and E. Errami et al. Formation of the Nkob talc deposit by contact metamorphism and fluid infiltration into siliceous dolostones (Moroccan Anti-Atlas), Ore Geology Reviews, Vol. 140, pp. 104629, Jan, 2022. [More]
  • M. Drilleau, H. Samuel, R. F. Garcia, A. Rivoldini, C. Perrin and C. Michaut et al. Marsquake locations and 1-D seismic models for Mars from InSight data, J. Geophys. Res. Planets, Vol. 127, pp. 1-61. 2022. [More]
  • A. Elias, M. Fagre, B. Zossi and H. Amit. Spitze angle changes during rapid geomagnetic core field variation, Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, Vol. 62, pp. 134 - 142. 2022. [More]
  • A. R. Gutierrez Falcón, B. S. Zossi, H. Amit and A. G. Elias. Geomagnetic secular variation consequences on the trajectories of radiation belt trapped particles, Astrophysics and Space Science, Vol. 367:59. 2022. [More]
  • K. A. Farley, K. M. Stack, D. L. Shuster, B. H. N. Horgan, J. A. Hurowitz and J. D. Tarnas et al. Aqueously altered igneous rocks sampled on the floor of Jezero crater, Mars, SCIENCE, Vol. 377, pp. 1512+, SEP 30, 2022. [More]
  • N. Favretto-Cristini, T. Garlan, O. Morio, X. Demoulin, M. Arrigoni and A. Deschamps et al. Assessment of Risks Induced by Countermining Unexploded Large-Charge Historical Ordnance in a Shallow Water Environment—Part I: Real Case Study, IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, pp. 1-24. 2022. [More]
  • N. Favretto-Cristini, F. Wang, P. Cristini, T. Garlan, O. Morio and E. Diego Mercerat et al. Assessment of Risks Induced by Countermining Unexploded Large-Charge Historical Ordnance in a Shallow Water Environment—Part II: Modeling of Seismo-Acoustic Wave Propagation, IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, Vol. 47, pp. 374-398. 2022. [More]
  • T. Fouchet, J.-M. Reess, F. Montmessin, R. Hassen-Khodja, N. Nguyen-Tuong and O. Humeau et al. The SuperCam infrared spectrometer for the perseverance rover of the Mars2020 mission, Icarus, Vol. 373, pp. 114773. 2022. [More]
  • R. F. Garcia, I. J. Daubar, É. Beucler, L. V. Posiolova, G. S. Collins and P. Lognonné et al. Newly formed craters on Mars located using seismic and acoustic wave data from InSight, Nature Geoscience, Sep, 2022. [More]
  • A. C. Horleston, J. F. Clinton, S. Ceylan, D. Giardini, C. Charalambous and J. C. E. Irving et al. The Far Side of Mars: Two Distant Marsquakes Detected by InSight, The Seismic Record, Vol. 2, pp. 88-99, 04, 2022. [More]
  • A. Jacob, M. Plasman, C. Perrin, N. Fuji, P. Lognonné and Z. Xu et al. Seismic sources of InSight marsquakes and seismotectonic context of Elysium Planitia, Mars, Tectonophysics, Vol. 837, pp. 229434. 2022. [More]
  • M. Kervazo, G. Tobie, G. Choblet, C. Dumoulin and M. Behounkovà. Inferring Io’s interior from tidal monitoring, Icarus, Vol. 373, pp. 114737. 2022. [More]
  • B. Knapmeyer-Endrun, W. Bruce Banerdt, S. E. Smrekar, P. Lognonné, D. Giardini and C. Beghein et al.. Mars from the InSight: Seismology Beyond Earth In Progresses in European Earthquake Engineering and Seismology. Vacareanu, R., Ionescu and C. eds. pp. 74-89. 2022. [More]
  • N. W. Kutsop, A. G. Hayes, P. M. Corlies, S. Le Mouélic, J. I. Lunine and C. A. Nixon et al. Titan Stratospheric Haze Bands Observed in Cassini VIMS as Tracers of Meridional Circulation, The Planetary Science Journal, Vol. 3, pp. 114, May, 2022. [More]
  • C. R. L. Matos, J. F. Berrêdo, W. Machado, É. Metzger, C. J. Sanders and K. C. F. Faial et al. Seasonal changes in metal and nutrient fluxes across the sediment-water interface in tropical mangrove creeks in the Amazon region, Applied Geochemistry, Vol. 138. 2022. [More]
  • S. Maurice, B. Chide, N. Murdoch, R. D. Lorenz, D. Mimoun and R. C. Wiens et al. In situ recording of Mars soundscape (vol 605, pg 653, 2022), NATURE, Vol. 608, pp. E26, AUG 18, 2022. [More]
  • S. Maurice, B. Chide, N. Murdoch, R. D. Lorenz, D. Mimoun and R. C. Wiens et al. In situ recording of Mars soundscape, NATURE, Vol. 605, pp. 653+, MAY 26, 2022. [More]
  • R. Moncelon, É. Metzger, P. Pineau, C. Emery, É. Bénéteau and C. {de Lignières} et al. Drivers for primary producers’ dynamics: New insights on annual benthos pelagos monitoring in anthropised freshwater marshes (Charente-Maritime, France), Water Research, Vol. 221, pp. 118718. 2022. [More]
  • Y. Morizet, N. Trcera, T. Suzuki-Muresan, S. Soudani, E. Fonda and M. Paris. Local environment of iodine dissolved as iodate in high-pressure aluminoborosilicate glasses: A I K-edge x-ray absorption spectroscopic study, The Journal of Chemical Physics, Vol. 156, pp. 154508. 2022. [More]
Results 1 - 25 of 1822