GeoPlaNet project / Activities


Presentation Axes Consortium Activities Publications Sustainability


 > Ongoing


- Submission of an Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Project "GeoPlaNet- EMJM" with the Erasmus + programme 2021-2027.

This Erasmus Mundus Joint Master (EMJM) Programme in Planetary Geosciences (PG) aims to give to 70 top international students a unique learning experience based on a strong education by research that will prepare them to design, analyse and interpret the data of the future space missions and to address the many challenges of the oncoming Earth and Planetary exploration programs.

This project was born from the long lasting partnership between 4 European Universities: Nantes (FR), Chieti-Pescara (IT) and Coimbra and Porto (PT). The network of associated partners gathers academies and space institutions: the GeoPlaNet Consortium, with 19 partners including the main actors of space exploration worldwide (NASA, ESA, Europlanet), and private companies specialised in Virtual Reality and space instrumentation.

The objectives of the project are 1) to offer a European structured and internationalized program in PG, 2) to develop students research and numerical innovative skills at a top level international intercultural and multidisciplinary environment, 3) to enhance employability of the students and reach 100 % of employment after graduation.

GeoPlaNet EMJM is based on existing 3 masters within the Consortium’s degree awarding HEI and offers a 2-year program of 120 ECTS within a fixed mobility pathway: semesters 1, 2 and 3 respectively in Coimbra, Chieti-Pescara and Nantes and semester 4 dedicated to an internship within the network of associated partners. A joint diploma will be issued by the three degree-awarding HEI at the end of the two-years programme.


- Selection of the "GeoPlaNet-SP" project within the Erasmus + programme "Strategic Partnership"

Co funded Logo En foncé

See website of the project:

> Earlier


- GeoPlaNExT project was selected within the Isite NExT, see

GeoPlaNExT will follow GeoPlaNet, with the scope of setting up an International Master Program in Planetary Geosciences


- From September 23th to October 1st 2019: GeoPlaNet field school on Fluid-Rock interactions in the Solar System. Thirty-three young international researchers in planetary geosciences participated at this field training in the Pyrenees. More information on the event here.

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- June 2019 : GeoPlaNExT project was selected by the NExT initiative, providing funding to develop an international master program in planetary geosciences led by the LPG.

- January - June 2019 : 11 researchers from the GeoPlaNet consortium visited the LPG for a short stay to strengthen and develop research projects in Planetary Geosciences : Steven Vance (JPL), Mohit Melwani Daswani (JPL), Christophe Sotin (JPL), Kenny Vilella (Academia Sinica), Frances Butcher (Open University), Jack Wright (Open University), Matthieu Laneuville (ELSI), Katia Pinheiro (Observatório do Brasil), Felipe Terra Nova (Universidade de São Paulo), Frédéric Deschamps (Academia Sinica) and Antoine Pommerol (Université de Berne), who also chaired the jury of defences of the Master 2 Earth & Planets students from the University of Nantes. LPG researchers have also been during this period at Open University, DLR, ELSI, ESTEC and Coimbra University.

- May-June 2019 : Rozenn Robidel carried out a 2-month research contract at LPG to contribute to the preparation of the observations of the ESA JUICE mission.

- April-May 2019 : Maï Bordiec, PhD from LPG, was welcomed for two weeks at the University of Bern to collaborate on her research thematic, which focused on the formation of sublimation waves on the icy surfaces of planetary bodies from the Solar System.

- March 2019: two LPG students participated to the JPL Visiting Student Research Program (JVSRP) in Pasadena (USA). Charlène Collet conducted research on salts on the surface of Europe under the supervision of Mathieu Choukroun from JPL. Axel Noblet mapped the geology of the potential landing sites of Mars 2020 and were supervised in Pasadena by Kathryn Stack and Vivian Sun.

- January 2019: Meven Philippe undertook a mission of nearly 6 weeks at the Open University (United Kingdom), in order to carry out experiments with Jan Raack and Manish Patel as part of his research on the transport of sediments by brines on Mars.


- 2018: 11 partners of the GeoPlaNet Consortium came to LPG for short research and consortium animation stays, namely : Gene Schmidt (IRSPS), Irene Bonati (ELSI), Barbara De Toffoli (University of Padova), Katia Pinheiro (Observatorio Nacional), K. Kalousova & O. Soucek (Univ. Charles), Michael Brown & Baptiste Journaux (Washington Univ.), Doris Breuer (DLR), Susanne Schwenzer (OU), and Christophe Sotin (JPL). Many  researchers from LPG have also been at DLR, ESA, the University of Padova, the Open University and the University of Bern, for example.

- 2018: 5 researchers were hosted in Nantes for short research post-docs in collaboration with LPG researchers: F. Salese (University of Pescara), B. Seignovert (Jet Propulsion Laboratory), C. Morino (Open University), M. Lasbleis (ELSI) and D. Pena (Observatório Nacional).

- 12th-16th November 2018 : 2nd GeoPlaNet thematic school in Nantes about Fluid-Rock Interactions in the Solar System. About 65 young researchers participated in this training, more than half of whom were foreigners. Sixteen countries from the Americas, Europe, Asia and Africa were represented and thirteen foreign institutions from the GeoPlaNet consortium had members present at the event. More information on the event here!

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- November 2018 : a new partner joined the GeoPlaNet Consortium : the Laboratory of Mineralogy and Geology from the Agricultural University of Athens (Greece). 

- April 2018 : the University of Washington entered the GeoPlaNet Consortium.

- March 2018 : Mathilde Kervazo from LPG has participated to the "JPL Visiting Student Research program" (JVSRP) in Pasadena (United States), to work on the tidal dissipation in Saturn's icy moons under the supervision of Christophe Sotin and Julie Castillo from JPL.

- From 9th to 12th of January 2018 : 1st GeoPlaNet thematic school organised by the European Space Agency (ESA) on Solar System Exploration in ESTEC's facilities in Noordwijk (Netherlands). A group of 25 master students, PhDs and researchers from Nantes University and from DLR, Charles University and ORB have participated to two days of workshop and two days of laboratory visits. They even had the fantastic opportunity to see BepiColombo before its shipping to the French Guyana!




Find the content of the event below:

Programmes Workshop and visits
Presentations - Day 1 Introduction; Science Programme; Mission studies; Careers at ESA; Product Assurance; ExoMars Rover; ExoMars Landing Site Selection.
Presentations - Day 2 JUICE; Aerobraking; Cruise; Rosetta-1; Rosetta-2; Rosetta-3; Philae landing site selection; Communication activities



- Last semester 2017 : two new partners have joined the GeoPlaNet Consortium : ELSI (Earth-Life Science Institute, Tokyo University) and Atacama University (Chile). 

- June 2017: master thesis defense - Reconstruction of the Martian atmosphere evolution by the study of the degassing and exhaust of H2O and CO2 from the mantle of Mars to space - Pierre Boissinot from LPG monitored by Léna Noack and Cédric Gillmann from ORB.

- 10th of May 2017 : GeoPlaNet kick-off meeting in Nantes.